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开yun体育网2个月破亿……本年2月初-kaiyun(开云)官方网站 登录入口

发布日期:2024-07-12 08:39  点击次数:179

布景先容:上线不到一周日活用户破百万开yun体育网,2个月破亿……本年2月初,AI聊天机器东谈主 ChatGPT 火爆环球,一时辰成为兴隆级豪侈类 AI 阁下。这也使得继专科生成本色和用户生成本色之后,通过东谈主工智能期间自动或援助生成本色的 AIGC 成为本钱市集的热词。期间冲破正使得 AIGC 成为市集热门,科技巨头争相布局。但合规、学问产权等风险也给数字惩办带来新的挑战。

The battle for internet search


Will the AI chatbots eat Google’s lunch?


For more than 25 years, search engines have been the internet’s front door. AltaVista, the first site to allow searches of the full text of the web, was swiftly dethroned by Google, which has dominated the field in most of the world ever since.

在超过25年的时辰里,搜索引擎一直是互联网的大门。AltaVista 是首个竣事采集全文搜索的网站,但谷歌很快就将其拔帜树帜,而后在环球大部分地区一直称霸搜索领域。

Google’s search engine, still the heart of its business, has made its parent, Alphabet, one of the world’s most valuable companies, with revenues of $283bn in 2022 and a market capitalisation of $1.3trn. Google is not merely a household name; it is a verb.

如今搜索引擎还是谷歌的中枢业务,其母公司 Alphabet 借此成为环球市值最高的公司之一,2022年营收2830亿好意思元,市值达1.3万亿好意思元。谷歌不仅是一个人所共知的名字,它致使成为了一个动词。

But nothing lasts for ever, particularly in technology. Just ask IBM, which once ruled business computing, or Nokia, once the leader in mobile phones. Both were dethroned because they fumbled big technological transitions.

但莫得什么是不朽的,尤其是在科技领域。望望一度总揽生意估量的 IBM 或者也曾手机行业霸主诺基亚就知谈了。两者都是因为没能把捏好要紧期间转型关隘而被赶下王座。

Now tech firms are salivating over an innovation that might herald a similar shift—and a similar opportunity. Chatbots powered by artificial intelligence (AI) let users gather information via typed conversations. Leading the field is ChatGPT, made by OpenAI, a startup.

而咫尺,一项令科技公司野心勃勃的改进可能也预示着一样转机和契机。由东谈主工智能驱动的聊天机器东谈主能让用户通过打字对话来网罗信息。该领域的领头羊是由初创公司 OpenAI 配置的 ChatGPT。

By the end of January, two months after its launch, ChatGPT was being used by more than 100m people, making it the “fastest-growing consumer application in history”, according to UBS, a bank.

字据瑞士皆集银行的数据,欺压1月底(也即是 ChatGPT 推出两个月后),其用户数已超过1亿,成为“史上增长最快的豪侈阁下”。

AI is already used behind the scenes in many products, but ChatGPT has put it centre stage, by letting people chat with an AI directly. ChatGPT can write essays in various styles, explain complex concepts, summarise text and answer trivia questions. It can even (narrowly) pass legal and medical exams.

如今许多家具背后都阁下了 AI,但 ChatGPT 把 AI 推向了前台,让东谈主们不错径直与 AI 机器东谈主聊天。ChatGPT 不错撰写不同格调的著述、阐发复杂宗旨、空洞文本以及作念冷学问问答。它致使不错(强迫)通过法律和医学考验。

And it can synthesise knowledge from the web: for example, listing holiday spots that match certain criteria, or suggesting menus or itineraries. If asked, it can explain its reasoning and provide detail. Many things that people use search engines for today, in short, can be done better with chatbots.


Can tech firms make money from this? OpenAI is launching a premium version of ChatGPT, which costs $20 a month for speedy access even at peak times. Google and Microsoft, which already sell ads on their search engines, will show ads alongside chatbot responses—ask for travel advice, say, and related ads will pop up.

科技公司能从中赚钱吗?OpenAI 正在推出 ChatGPT 的付费高等版,月卡用度20好意思元,保证在岑岭时段也能快速拜谒。底本已在各自的搜索引擎上销售告白的谷歌和微软将在聊天机器东谈主的回答中表露告白——比如商议旅行冷落,就会弹出干系告白。

But that business model may not be sustainable. Running a chatbot requires more processing power than serving up search results, and therefore costs more, reducing margins.


Other models will surely emerge: charging advertisers more for the ability to influence the answers that chatbots provide, perhaps, or to have links to their websites embedded in responses. Ask ChatGPT to recommend a car, and it will reply that there are lots of good brands, and it depends on your needs.

细则也会出现其他生意形状:比如向告白客户收取更高的用度以影响聊天机器东谈主提供的谜底,或是在修起中镶嵌客户的网站贯穿。咫尺让 ChatGPT 保举一款汽车,它会回答说有许多好品牌,全看你有什么需求。

Future chatbots may be more willing to make a recommendation. But will people use them if their objectivity has been compromised by advertisers? Will they be able to tell? Behold, another can of worms.




dethrone [diˈθroʊn] v. 废黜;使下台

fumble [ˈfʌmbl] v. 险诈地作念;摸索而行

salivate [ˈsæləˌveɪt] v. 渴慕;垂涎

itinerary [aɪˈtɪnəreri] n. 行程;旅行贪图



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